national science foundation
National Science Foundation,národní vědecká nadace [zkr.] Petr Prášek
national science foundation
National Science Foundation
n 1: an independent agency of the federal government responsible
for the promotion of progress in science and engineering by
supporting programs in research and education [syn:
National Science Foundation, NSF]
national science foundation
National Science Foundation

(NSF) A US government agency that promotes the
advancement of science by funding science researchers,
scientific projects and infrastructure to improve the quality
of scientific research. The NSFNET is funded by NSF.


podobné slovodefinícia
national science foundation
National Science Foundation,národní vědecká nadace [zkr.] Petr Prášek
national science foundation
National Science Foundation
n 1: an independent agency of the federal government responsible
for the promotion of progress in science and engineering by
supporting programs in research and education [syn:
National Science Foundation, NSF]
national science foundation
National Science Foundation

(NSF) A US government agency that promotes the
advancement of science by funding science researchers,
scientific projects and infrastructure to improve the quality
of scientific research. The NSFNET is funded by NSF.


national science foundation network
National Science Foundation Network

(NSFNET) A high speed hierarchical "network of networks" in
the US, funded by the National Science Foundation. At the
highest level, it is a backbone network comprising 16 nodes
connected to a 45Mb/s facility which spans the continental
United States. Attached to that are mid-level networks and
attached to the mid-levels are campus and local networks.
NSFNET also has connections out of the US to Canada, Mexico,
Europe, and the Pacific Rim. The NSFNET is part of the


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